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Music Day

As Beethoven once said “ Music can change the world” but how many of you have ever imagined that one day the world will celebrate music?

Yes! World music day is celebrated on June 21st of every year across the globe. It is a global event and every year musicians across the nation will band together on this day to celebrate the beauty of music.

To mark this day, our talented Pupilites came out to unveil their talents and treat the audience to the wonders of music.

The beauty of music is that it binds all nations in an unbreakable clasp, which was strikingly personified by our energetic Pupilites. The event transcended from a melodious symphony starting with our primary schoolers performing a classical song, picking up pace with the middle schoolers exhibiting their instrumental talents. The grand event came to a perfect end with a magical mashup, comprising 13 languages, by our high schoolers. The unique medley of instruments and vocal chorus enchanted the audience with an incredible crescendo.

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