Balmithra Sports Extravaganza 2023-24

The grand sports spectacle of The Pupil Saveetha Eco School featuring KG, Montessori, and Divyam stars, unfolded on February 16, 2024. Esteemed Chief Guests,
Prof. Dr. Asha Sundaram , Principal of Saveetha School of Law , and Director Dr Saveetha inaugurated the event, and declared the sports meet open, setting the stage for a day of vibrant performances and remarkable achievements.From spirited drills with colourful props to captivating gymnastics, the students showcased their talents, embodying the school's essence. The day culminated in a prestigious prize distribution ceremony, honoring outstanding achievers. Principal Ms. Dolly Mohan expressed gratitude, bringing a graceful conclusion to this memorable day of unity and accomplishment.