What makes The Pupil Unique?

1. Inquiry-based Learning
Inquiry-based learning is a form of active learning inspired by IB philosophy. In contrast to traditional education wherein teachers share their knowledge on a subject, inquiry-based learning prompts students to identify questions and issues and develop knowledge and solutions through research and analysis. Here the student becomes an active participant and teachers facilitate the process of learning.

2. Crossing Subject Boundaries
Till standard 5, the curriculum is organized as transdisciplinary themes. This allows students to explore and connect a particular topic across different subject boundaries. Since there are no textbooks and exams, learning is not constrained by set portions and deadlines.
3. Integrated Coaching Program for Std. XI & XII
The Integrated Coaching Program for classes XI & XII is handled by faculty with proven records and years of experience in coaching students for IIT and NEET. They also train them for board exams, entrance exams and competitive exams such as NTSE, KVPY, National and International Olympiads within school hours.

5. Platinum Certified Green Building
The Pupil Saveetha Eco School is sprawled over an impressive 5-acre campus that embodies the principles of the Eco School. It is the first school in Chennai to be awarded the Platinum LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification for its eco-friendly and innovative infrastructural features.
6. The Pupil Abode
The Pupil Abode is a residential program, a home away from home, that optimizes the all-round development of a child in a safe, disciplined and distraction-free environment. You can count on us if you are looking for the best boarding school in Chennai.

8. Uni(que)form
To sit in class or climb a tree? Never a question for Pupilites. The Pupil’s uniform is designed in such a way that students look professional in a classroom environment while also being comfortable doing physical activities such as sports, yoga and gymnastics. Students have a choice of 5 different colours to wear every day, making every classroom a colorful sight.

9. Honest Shop
The Honest Shop aims to foster the values of honesty and integrity to the extent that each student is accountable to their own conscience rather than to an external authority. School supplies are made available with the prices affixed. The students can pick up and pay for supplies they need without being prompted or monitored.

10. Equal importance to extracurriculars
At The Pupil, we consider the importance of extracurricular activities to be on par with that of academics, so much so that we refer to them as para-academics. The Pupil offers such a wide variety of extracurricular activities that each child spends at least 6-7 hours on para-academics every week.

11. Art
“Art is the journey of a free soul.” - Alev Oguz
Art in all its varied and diverse forms is an integral part of every Pupilite’s experience. Right from kindergarten, children are exposed to various modes and techniques of expression to give wings to their imagination. The budding artists showcase their expertise through innovative graffiti on the school compound walls and at an annual exhibition titled “Chithirai Punaivu”.

12. Weaving & Textiles
The Pupils keep the indigenous textiles and handlooms of India alive by teaching students techniques such as weaving, Batik, Kalamkari and Tie & Dye. In addition to their cultural value, such techniques help students enhance their sense of aesthetics and their eye-hand coordination.

13. Carpentry
Students of Std. 8 and upwards learn carpentry, starting from how to remove a nail, and progressing to building their own furniture. Carpentry teaches children essential skills such as designing with 3D perspectives, creating blueprints, making precise measurements and working with tools.

14. Music
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” - Plato
Students of The Pupil are trained in a wide variety of musical categories and genres, ranging from Carnatic and Western to folk music and pop. This helps them appreciate music as a form of personal and cultural expression and makes them proficient performers, composers and connoisseurs of the musical arts.

15. Structured Reading Program
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” - Dr. Seuss
The Pupil, in collaboration with the Book Lovers Program for Schools (BLPS), conducts structured reading programs to help students inculcate a reading habit and go more places, both literally and metaphorically. Every week, children read books and take part in related activities to generate interest and appreciate the text better.

16. Newspapers in Education
Each student receives a copy of the student edition of the Times of India every day and discusses the issues presented. This initiative not only promotes awareness of current affairs and critical thinking skills but also helps them become better readers and writers.

17. Concept Lab
Right from Class 1, students visit the Concept Lab every week and perform science experiments on their own. This initiative supplements the theoretical understanding gained in the classroom and helps develop scientific acumen and temperament.

18. Gymnastics
Students of The Pupil have the unique opportunity to learn gymnastics from national-level athletes. Students receive training in both Rhythmic and Artistic Gymnastics and learn to use apparatus such as balance beams, vaults, uneven bars, parallel bars, pommel horse, trampolines and floor mats. Thus, they gain valuable skills such as flexibility, stamina, concentration, discipline, quick reflexes and situational awareness, which contribute to their mental, physical and emotional growth.

19. Archery
Archery classes at The Pupil are not only an opportunity for students to learn such a distinctive and elegant skill but also an avenue to hone their vision, focus and fortitude.

20. Taekwondo
Training in the Korean martial art of Taekwondo is as much as an exercise for the mind as it is for the body. In addition to teaching self-defense, Taekwondo enhances both mental and physical stamina and promotes discipline and mutual respect.

21. Swimming Pool
earning to swim is a life skill that is taught to every Pupilite from Class 4 upwards. The Pupil boasts of a 25-meter Olympic-standard swimming pool and also offers specialized training for more competitive swimmers.

22. Tennis
Students of The Pupil learn tennis from trained and dedicated personnel in a professional standard synthetic court on campus.

23. Physical Education
The sports hour is perhaps the most awaited period of the week, as The Pupil’s Sports Team has perfected the art of enhancing physical endurance, mental strength and good sportsmanship through fun activities and games. Every year, students represent their House Teams in an Athletic Meet held on the Saveetha University grounds, and later in the Sports Day on campus.

24. Theatre
Our theatre initiative is aimed to give all Pupilites the chance to experience the art of acting and performing on stage. This will give them the pleasure of transforming into various characters from different places in their very own school, and also allow them to experience different forms of acting such as shadow play and mime. Each term culminates in an annual production in which all students participate. Some of our past productions include Jungle Book and Miss Nelson is Missing

25. Heritage Club
“A concerted effort to preserve our heritage is a vital link to our cultural, educational, aesthetic, inspirational and economic legacies – all of the things that quite literally make us who we are.”- Steve Berry.
The Pupil Heritage Club, in collaboration with KATRALI, places emphasis on learning about local history and culture. Looking at our surroundings through the eyes of a historian gives us a new-found appreciation for our culture and helps us take pride in who we are now and where we have come from.

26. Debate Association (DA)
The Debate Association (DA) of The Pupil aims to contribute to the realization of The Pupil’s vision by helping students develop skills such as critical thinking, logical analysis, open-mindedness, teamwork, creativity, confidence, public speaking and quick thinking, which are essential to face the challenges of the 21st century.
27. Educational Trips Worldwide
“Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind and fills your life with stories to tell.” — Paula Bendfeldt
To widen horizons, expose students to different cultures and to relate theoretical learning with real-life experiences, The Pupil offers safe and fun-filled educational trips both within India and internationally. In the past, students have traveled to Coonoor (leadership and adventure), Valparai (ecology and bird watching), Delhi (history and heritage) and Florida, USA (workshop in NASA).