News & Events

Mr. Prakash Vasu, Condition commander ,MRDC

We are very happy and proud to announce that our Physical education teacher, Condition commander ,MRDC Prakash Vasu was appreciated by the Deputy Director General of NCC, Commodore Atul Kumar Rastogi for his participation and contribution in training the NCC cadets for the Republic day parade that was held in Chennai on 26th January 2023.
Congratulations and Best wishes Prakash!


We are happy to announce that we have partnered with CIALFO for career guidance and University admissions .

With Cialfo, students and parents will be able to...

  • Find critical admissions, essay, and financial information all in one place

  • Search for best-fit colleges in over 60 countries

  • Gauge admission chances based on academic and extra-curricular data

  • Easily keep track of critical dates, tasks, and progress milestones


We are delighted to inform that our Pupil alumnus, UPENDRA has joined the entrepreneurial world in the field of dairy products, SURBHI

We convey our warmest of wishes and heartfelt prayers for the prosperity and growth of his company and endeavours

Young Influencer Award - Vaimitra Chandrasehar

Vaimitra Chandrasehar of class VII has been conferred with the Top 20, "Young influencer award ( Under 20 )" by Sri Venkateshwaraa college of Engineering and Technology in recognition of the significant contribution made by her in the field of literature by authoring four books at a young age.

We are very proud and happy about her achievement and wish her the best in all her future endeavors!
